When you need comprehensive and reliable information about every aspect
of Pinehurst area real estate, you need Pinehurst Area Realty.
We hope you will call us for an appointment to let our associates show
you Pinehurst the way it is meant to be seen . . .
Reach our professionals at 910-295-5011,
or email us at pargolf@pinehurst.net.
Pinehurst Area Realty established in 1973, is one of the oldest and most trusted real estate firms in Pinehurst, Southern Pines and Moore County.
If you are looking for a Realtor who knows not only Pinehurst and Southern Pines but also some of the other best kept secrets in Moore County, Pinehurst Area Realty is the one to call.
Pinehurst Area Realty can help simplify your search by sharing our extensive knowledge and experience and answering your specific questions regarding a particular community or neighborhood.
We can answer the questions such as:
- where are the best school districts
- what are my options for golf course communities
- how far a commute is it to Fort Bragg
- what are the options for senior living
- what communities are private and gated
- what communities have lakes and water amenities
- what are the equestrian opportunities
- what communities have active tennis programs
- what is the weather like in each of the seasons of the year